What Is It Really Like Working With A Health At Every Size Dietitian?

Working with an eating disorder and Health At Every Size dietitian should feel like a safe space. We are here to be a supporting hand in finding peace and exploring body image. Let's dive into the key components that I find to be important when working with an eating disorder dietitian. 

A Safe and Welcoming Place

Again, it should be a safe space for you. We are here to listen and to support you in your journey. My goal when working with anyone is to not enter with my own agenda but to be an affirming and inclusive space where you can process your experiences with food and your body. It's a place where you're free to share your struggles without fear of judgment. 

Not Focusing on Weight

Your dietitian should not make you feel bad about your weight or provide intentional weight loss recommendations. We understand how weight is not correlated to health and how weight stigma can impact your experience with body image, medical care, and daily life. If you have a personal desire to lose weight that should be met with compassion and without judgment. 

Working Together as a Team

Healing from an eating disorder is a team effort. Your dietitian should work with you, your therapist, and other healthcare professionals to make sure you get the best care possible. Together, you'll come up with a plan that meets your needs and helps you reach your personal goals in recovery.

Not the Food Police

Your dietitian isn't there to tell you exactly what to eat or make you feel guilty about what you eat. Instead, they can help you learn to trust yourself and make choices that feel good for your body. This can include exploring food rules, sensory preferences with food, food exposures, and more.

In short, working with an eating disorder dietitian is all about finding support, understanding, and guidance on your journey. They're there to help you build a healthier relationship with food and yourself, one step at a time.

Contact Us 

Emilee Young is an eating disorder dietitian and founder of Embrace Nutrition Counseling. She supports all ages and genders in healing their relationship with food and embracing their natural body size. She specializes in binge eating disorder and works from a Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating framework.

Embrace Nutrition Counseling provides virtual nutrition counseling to residents in Virginia, DC, and Maryland. Including Virginia Beach, Roanoke, Blacksburg, Charlottesville, and Richmond Virginia. 

Services include support for

Eating disorders 

Disordered Eating

Eating challenges related to anxiety, depression, and trauma

Prenatal and Postnatal Nutrition


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