About Me

I live in Virginia with my husband and our sassy bulldog, Stella. My choice to enter the field of nutrition originates from my personal journey of overcoming struggles with food and my commitment to challenging and deconstructing diet culture. I have worked in various levels of care for eating disorder recovery as a dietitian and clinical director.

I grew up in rural Virginia and still get excited that I live close to a Target these days. When I am not seeing clients you can find me watching BRAVO TV, reading my Kindle, and going out for sushi.

My Philosophy & Approach

I use a Health at Every Size® (HAES) and Intuitive Eating framework. My approach is rooted in body neutrality, prioritizing overall well-being, without a focus on weight. Rather than fixating on numbers, I encourage fostering positive connections with food. My sessions are client-centered. You know your body best therefore I am here as a supporting hand.

I founded Embrace Nutrition with the purpose of individuals having a safe and non-judgmental space to develop healthier relationships with food & their natural body size. I specialize in binge eating disorder but work with all diagnosis and eating challenges. My goal in our work together is for you to feel empowered. The constant messages from diet culture are exhausting and confusing. I take time to listen & learn so I can be a partner to you in this journey

Embracing one's body, nourishment, and unique journey are fundamental principles that guide my approach as an eating disorder dietitian.